Thursday, June 08, 2006

music at work?

This is taken from an article in The Guardian newspaper.

"It's wrong not to be allowed to listen to music at work," says Professor Simon Majaro. Majaro specialises in creativity at Cranfield School of Management; but he also takes music into schools, as founder of the Cavatina Chamber Music Trust.
"There is a lot of evidence that one can improve creativity through the senses," he says. "If we could make people listen to Haydn, Beethoven, Schubert and Mozart, we could improve teamwork and productivity."

Indeed, people have written books on the subject: The Mozart Effect by Don Campbell is greatly praised. At the Industrial Society, a spokesperson says that maybe offices are missing a trick with music. Music therapy has acknowledged benefits and music is well known to have an effect on the brain - it can be used to stimulate or to relax people. So perhaps a bit more research would be a good idea.

What do you think? Does music help to focus your mind to the task in hand, or put you off and chill you past the point of caring?!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it takes all sorts i think... myself, i can't live without music playing when i'm working. it provides a tonic when situations get intense it allows you to relax your mind and defuse.
even as i write this i have music playing!!!


11:04 am  

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